FROM 27/11/2023 TO 03/12/2023

Awards for excellence in dubbing in film, television, audiovisual and other products.
Twenty-fourth edition dedicated to voice actors Michele Kalamera and Dario Penne.
Dubbing masterclass with Mario Cordova.
Voices accompany us throughout our lives and once a year they are celebrated by the International Dubbing Festival ‘Voices in the Shadows’, which rewards excellence in dubbing in film, television, audiovisual and other products. The event, organised by the cultural association Risorse – Progetti & Valorizzazione, is directed by Tiziana Voarino and has reached its XXIV edition, which will be held from 27 November to 3 December 2023 between Savona and Genoa. This year’s Festival is dedicated to Dario Penne and Michele Kalamera, two extraordinary artists who made history in a profession in which Italy is recognised as a model and ‘master’. Dario Penne, who passed away last February, gave the voice to Hollywood stars such as Anthony Hopkins, Michael Caine, Christopher Lloyd, Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Kingsley, among others. Michele Kalamera, who passed away last July, to Clint Eastwood, Steve Martin, Robert Duvall, Donald Sutherland, among others. Both received the Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest accolade given by ‘Voices in the Shadows’, and were irreplaceable fellow travellers, and friends, of the Festival.
“Voci nell’Ombra” (Voices in the Shadows), born in 1996 from an idea by Bruno Astori, had the artistic direction of film critic Claudio G. Fava, initiating the first Italian operation that valorised the art of this sector. Expanded under new leadership, in recent years it has grafted the crucial issues of cultural accessibility and audiovisual enjoyment for people with sensory disabilities and environmental sustainability. Since the beginning of its history, ‘Voices in the Shadows’ has awarded more than 330 prizes.

“The dubbing festival,” says Nicoletta Negro, Councillor for Culture and Tourism of the City of Savona, “confirms itself as an indispensable event for our city, in constant dialogue with its mutations. This year the inclusion of a trek within the City’s programming, which identifies locations and transforms some corners of Savona into a set, is the most tangible demonstration of this, a sign of a vital event that is always ready to gather new stimuli.”
“The International Dubbing Festival Voci nell’Ombra,” says Tiziana Voarino, director of the Festival, “is a complex project designed and sewn on a broad vision: it combines the needs of authoritative supporters, more than one hundred and twenty-five national and international realities that actively collaborate, as well as lending their stages to the territory, promoting the reference sector of dubbing, multimedia transposition and showing sensitivity to the environment around us as well. Next year we will be twenty-five years old, and the goal is to grow further.” The Festival is supported by MiC – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo, Regione Liguria, SIAE – Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori, Nuovo IMAIE, Fondazione Agostino De Mari, Quidam – a Savona-based company with 40 years’ experience in flat glass processing, Municipality of Savona, BPER: Bank, Artis Project, Voxyl Voce Gola, Tiziana Lazzari Antiaging Medicine & Aesthetic Surgery. It makes use of the collaboration of the Ducal Palace. Countless sponsorships include Rai Liguria and numerous domestic and foreign universities. There are over one hundred and twenty-five Festival collaborations listed on the page including local artists who create the Festival prizes in glass and ceramics. They are: Quidam, Vanessa Cavallaro, Laura Romano, Diego Santamaria, Gabriella de Filippis.
In 2015, the Festival ‘Voices in the Shadows’ was relaunched in the city of Savona, which has since hosted some of its most relevant events, also linked to the training of new professionals. The first appointment is on Friday 1 December, at 9 p.m., at the Teatro Sacco with the talk show with projections ‘Voices of culture, audiovisual and territory: from the past to the future, heritages to be recovered and valorised. The culture of the territory, the valorisation and safeguarding of the audiovisual heritage’. The 1931/1932 Laurel and Hardy comedy ‘Noi e il pupo – Their first mistake, Come Clean’ by George Marshal and James W. Horne, with Laurel and Hardy dubbed by the historic voices of Alberto Sordi and Mauro Zambuto, recovered by SOS Laurel and Hardy, will be screened. In addition, the 70th anniversary of Alberto Lattuada’s film ‘La spiaggia’, which was shot at the time in the province of Savona, will be celebrated.
On Saturday 2 December, the ‘Voices in the Shadows’ day starts at 9.45 a.m. at Savona’s Isola della Gioventù Gardens with ‘The rediscovered mimosa’: a new tree will be donated to the city. At 10 a.m. the urban route ‘Savona city of film and fiction’ will start, a walk to discover the area and its specialities, with a visit to the places chosen as film sets, animated by performances in which the councillor for culture and tourism Nicoletta Negro will also take part, as well as the students of the dubbing school ‘Voci nell’Ombra’ & the Creative Academy of Cinema. The tour from the Isola della Gioventù Gardens moves on to the Priamar to continue to the Civic Market, the Darsena Torretta, the Ponte Mobile and in front of Renata Cuneo’s ‘The Sailor’ statue, to cross Via Pia and reach Piazza Mameli and see, at 6 p.m., ‘the city that stops’ at the chimes in memory of the Fallen. Finally, it will end with a free visit for members to the Pinacoteca Civica. Speeches by Felice Rossello, the president of the Altro Mare per un mare accessible sea association Ugo Cappello, artist Laura Romano who created the work ‘The Curvy’, Enrico Bonino and Alessandro Campanile are scheduled to take place during the urban walk. Compulsory registration at 348 7211191. Finally, also on 2 December, at 2.15 p.m., in the Sandro Pertini and Renata Cuneo Art Museum on the third floor of the Priamar Fortress, actor and dubbing actor Mario Cordova with an exceptional career will reveal the secrets of dubbing in a free masterclass with compulsory registration at

“Voci nell’Ombra’ has at its core the evaluation and awarding of excellence in the world of dubbing and other contexts in which the voice is the protagonist. A jury of industry experts (all names at selects the best products of the previous season for nominations each year. The winners will be awarded during the Evening of Honour to be held on Sunday 3 December at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa with the presentation of the Golden Rings, the old dubbing unit of measurement referring to film rings, now replaced by the time code. This year, in addition to the Anelli d’Oro for film and television in the sections best general dubbing, best male voice and best female voice, the Premio Claudio G. Fava dubbing career award, the Premio SIAE for a talented young adapter, the Premio Ludovica Modugno in collaboration with her brother Paolo Modugno and the Nuovo IMAIE for a teenage dubbing artist and other special prizes are confirmed.

In the 24th edition, Voci nell’Ombra will continue its pioneering role, fulfilling the educational, training and social role it carries in its mission. It was the first festival to award prizes for accessibility and audiodescriptions and to draw attention to the ways in which people with visual and hearing disabilities can use them, i.e. audiodescription, subtitles, sign language, with the ‘To see with eyes closed’ campaign. The topic of accessibility is again central to the study and discussion day, but also with LIS in the live and online events. The theme of sustainability is reconfirmed with the presentation of the International Cinema & Sustainability Award and the Green Ring also for this edition. It maintains the day dedicated to podcasts and the Voices of Podcast 2023 awards, combining novelty, technology, digital and voice, also as a tool for inclusive tourism, without forgetting the role of voice and listening that we all need. Finally, the Festival continues to expand its network of collaborations, becoming increasingly international, thanks to the strengthening of already fruitful interactions and the development of relations with other nations where the interest in dubbing is relevant.

The twenty-fourth edition of Voci nell’Ombra participates together with Genova Voci in the Genoa City Council – City of Festivals’ call for proposals with the project Voci alla Ribalta, proposing five of the thirteen shows planned on the metropolitan territory promoting the world of voice linked to audiovisual, theatre, music, literature and poetry, including online appointments. VOCI ALLA RIBALTA has the support of the Municipality of Genoa, Genoa City of Festivals, Iren and Coop, and is in collaboration with the University Library of Genoa and the General Directorate for Libraries
All Festival events are free admission subject to availability.

Ministero per la Cultura – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo, Regione Liguria, SIAE, Nuovo IMAIE, Fondazione De Mari, Quidam, Comune di Savona, BPER: Banca, Artis Project, Voxyl Voce Gola, Dr. Tiziana Lazzari Medicina Antiaging & Chirurgia Estetica. In collaboration with Genova Palazzo Ducale

SUPPORTERS VOCI ALLA RIBALTA 2023: Genoa City Council, Genoa City of Festivals, Iren and Coop Liguria, with partners Genova Voci, General Directorate for Libraries and Copyright, Genoa University Library.

ANAD – Associazione Nazionale Attori Doppiatori, ADID – Associazione Direttori Italiani Doppiaggio, Regione Liguria, Provincia di Savona, Città di Savona, MUSA – Musei Civici Savona, Comune di Genova, Camera di Commercio Riviere di Liguria – Imperia, La Spezia, Savona, Camera di Commercio – Genova, Università degli Studi di Genova, Università degli Studi di Genova – DLCM – Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne, Campus Universitario di Savona, Ministero della Cultura – DGBDA: Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Diritto d’Autore, Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova, MIUR: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Liguria, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna – Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione – Forlì, Fondazione Milano – Civica Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori Altiero Spinelli, Université de Strasbourg – ITIRI – Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, Università di Torino, Università di Torino – Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Università degli Studi di Trieste – Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell’Interpretazione e della Traduzione – IUSLIT, TOR VERGATA – Università degli Studi di Roma, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, SSML GREGORIO VII – Mediazione Linguistica e Comunicazione Interculturale, UNINT – Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma, Università degli Studi di Pavia, ARTS ET HUMANITÉS – Ecole Universitaire de Recherche – Université Côte d’Azur, UAB – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Jaume I – Castelló de la Plana, Valencia (ES), UCL – University College London, EUniverciné Progetto Europeo con Erasmus +, Univerciné Nantes – Festival del Cinema, AGIS – Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo, Agiscuola, ANEC – Associazione Nazionale Esercenti Cinema, ADAP – Associazione Doppiatori Attori Pubblicitari, AIPAD – Associazione Italiana per Assistenti al Doppiaggio, AIFM – Associazione Italiana Fonici del Mixage, ANIOS – Associazione Interpreti di Lingua dei Segni Italiana, RAI LIGURIA, GLFC – Genova Liguria Film Commission, Centro Studi Amadeo Peter Giannini, CNA – Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa – Associazione Provinciale di Savona, CONFASSOCIAZIONI – Confederazione Associazioni Professionali, CONFASSOCIAZIONI – SPETTACOLO CINEMA TEATRO, AIDDA – FARE IMPRESA AL FEMMINILE – Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti di Azienda, FIDAPA BPW Italy – Sezione Genova, RETEIMPRESE.

Award artists: Quidam, Vanessa Cavallaro, Laura Romano, Diego Santamaria, Gabriella de Filippis
Official promo video 24th edition

Reservation recommended:
Friday 1 December
Sunday 3 December

Press office Eliana Quattrini: – phone 333 3902472

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All ages

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Savona, widespread event


Prenota Ora

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