Cultural walks

Dante's Path in Noli

An alternative way to discover the hinterland. Dante made it all the way from Italy to France in 1306, a total of 13 km. As you walk along the path, you’ll come across several viewpoints looking over the Pre-Alps, the Apennines and of course, the Ligurian Sea.

Via Julia Augusta

A route steeped in Roman history, between Alassio and Albenga, it tells us how Albenga (Albengum) reached its peak in the days of the Roman Empire. Encircled by its walls until the last century, it has one of the most interesting historical centres on the Ligurian Riviera. At around the halfway point, you arrive at a vantage point over the small harbour of Alassio, with a stunning panoramic view.

Savona city of popes

A route to learn about the history of a city that is the birthplace of two important popes, Sixtus IV and Julius II, as you visit points of interest such as the art gallery, Pinacoteca Civica, which contains works created for the two Della Rovere popes. In the apse of the Cathedral, on the other hand, you can spot the face of Julius II inlaid in the monumental choir. The Museum of the Cathedral Treasury houses some valuable Renaissance paintings, while Savona’s six oratories house masterpieces from the cathedral on the fortress of the Priamar Fortress.

La Savona del liberty

Savona is brimming with examples of Art Nouveau, known for its floral style, which has left an important imprint on today’s urban society. The route takes in Villa Zanelli, an example of an Art Nouveau-decorated building of high artistic value, the Villapiana district, Corso Mazzini and Santa Rita, with a few stops in the must-see alleyways, and finally the Villetta district, to discover the beautiful characteristic villas.

Laigueglia and Thor Heyerdahl

Thor Heyerdahl, a well-known explorer and anthropologist from Norway, chose to settle on the hill, Colla Micheri, overlooking Laigueglia, after long journeys around the world. Heyerdahl describes Colla Micheri as a place of absolute peace. And as a consequence of the love he felt for the Ligurian territories, he decided to buy several buildings for renovation and give them a new life, as well as clearing all the surrounding forests. In front of the Church of San Sebastiano at Colla Micheri, there is also a plaque commemorating the days when Pope Pius VII made a stop here on his way back from his exile in France.

Art Path

There is a thin thread that connects the works, palaces and churches that inhabit the Celle Ligure area: beauty.

They are the signs that history and art have left and that today allow us to tell and discover glimpses, corners, squares and alleyways. From the dim light of the alleys to the luminosity of the sea and the sky. The journey that can be undertaken to discover Celle and its art offers a different approach to knowledge.

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